Andrew Litchfield

Andrew Litchfield

Andrew Litchfield

Real Estate Professional || RE Developer & Mentor

About Andrew

For as long as I can remember, the desire to create wealth has been a driving force in my life—a passion fueled both by achieving prosperity in my personal life as well as a genuine love for contributing to causes close to my heart.

In my journey to financial mastery, Real Estate emerged as the path I was drawn to. My first deal was a two-family. I lived on one side and fixed up the other myself until it was ready to be rented out. Those early days were a crash course in the ins and outs of the trade—a full-time learning experience marked by risks, mistakes, triumphs, and an undeniable sense of excitement, brimming with possibilities and potential.

Along the way, I joined Real Estate clubs, attended countless networking events, and sought guidance from accomplished mentors in the field. As I dedicated myself to putting the time, energy, and effort into this venture, I watched my life visibly shift towards the realization of my ideal lifestyle.

SOLD 2024 $TBD

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